Saturday, July 11, 2009

Song Love.

Songs lyrics are the poetry of the soul for the 21st century, I’m pretty sure I didn’t just make this up but lets pretend I did. We’ve all driven home in the rain, put on that sad sad song and cried our eyes out at the unfairness of it all (you know you have, and if you haven’t then you have no soul, or no driver’s license). Why is it that certain songs seem to speak solely to us, summing up perfectly how we feel in a freaky psychic way? Upon breaking up with a lover, meeting a new one, losing a job, fighting with a family member, losing a limb in a freak accident or having a friend find new and better friends there is always a song that helps us to voice how we feel when we don’t know how. Having the part-man brain that I do (see previous posting), I find solace in the lovely musical genius of a cherished collection of artists on my pod, as I seem to have a mild issue with openly expressing my emotions to other human beings. As a result I tend to go, shall I say ‘OCD’, on one song for a couple of days, this song will be my mood, my life, and my soul status for this time. When things change I find a new one to fill the void. If I wasn’t afraid of seeming like a total wank-job I would carry around a totally awesome boom-box loaded up with my song of the moment to play for people when they casually asked how I was. Perhaps I should do this, it would be a great ice-breaker at parties.

Love Delilah

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