Sunday, July 19, 2009

People sometimes suck.

I’m having strange feelings, that something weird is happening but I’m not sure what it is. It’s almost the same feeling of having forgotten something, you know that one? I can’t quite put my finger on it. Somebody told me recently that I project my feelings and expectations onto other people and this is why I’m always annoyed with them (yes I get annoyed with people a lot). Of course I immediately objected, GASP I DO NOT! But then...........maybe I do…… that so very wrong? One of the phrases that consistently pours from my mouth during a rant is “I never would have done that”, closely followed by "I would have done this.....". This, my friends, is not to be taken as a judgment, but rather a let down from someone who I thought would act differently in a certain situation. I am what you would call a 'yes' woman, constantly putting myself out for others and never getting the same back from people in return. But then why should I? After thinking this through to myself over the past week or so, I’ve come to the answer that while I do project certain expectations of behavior from people, its nothing less than what I would expect from myself and its maybe not such a bad thing. And so my feelings of weirdness I have now come to understand as a bit of loneliness on the small amount of trust we can have on other people. In these modern times our generation has been taught to do our own thing at any cost. This sort of thinking is applauded, while thinking of other people is often considered weak. I'm thinking that we need to rework this concept a little bit, take the selfishness back and make it a little bit about other people some of the time. JUST SOME OF THE TIME!

Love Delilah

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