Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Secret Squirrel

During my online travels (aka procrastinating at work) I came across this site: It runs along the same lines as Post Secret. The difference is every secret sent in will be posted. There are thousands of secrets, and more are uploaded every hour. I can't stop reading them and waiting for mine to be posted. It is a comforting to read all these thoughts from so many different people, clearly everyone has the desire to have someone hear their thoughts even if you never meet the person reading them. Just to get it out is often enough, liberating really. I read one the other day that has stuck with me.

1183.) The only thing I want in life is to walk away, and for someone to actually chase after me.

True that I say.

Meanwhile this photo rocks my world. And I've found my new calling people. Its to world for Purple Fashion Magazine, seriously its the SHIT! And their blog is all that is awesome in this world. Should I be doing this? Sending you to other more rad blogs? PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! As a thought for the day I suggest you start bringing back the double thumbs up into your day to day conversations. Give it a go and spread the love and enthusiasm that comes with it.

xo Delilah

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The sunshine is teasing me......

I look outside at the sunshine today and imagine its summer. I'm sick of wearing tights and boots and want to channel Brooke Shields a la "The Blue Lagoon".


I'm not sure there is anything better than bananas, vanilla ice cream and ice magic. Actually I'm pretty sure there is. But for now that will do.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I want it now now NOW!!

I am a marketer’s wet dream. If something is labeled with “NEW”, or “JUST IN” I’m there. No jokes, I hate myself for it. Vegemite with cream cheese, I’m there! Like any self-respecting woman, beauty products are my weakness. Born with oily skin and curly hair (wow, don’t I just ooze sex appeal) any new product on the market finds its way into my over crowded bathroom and each shower provides a new opportunity for prettiness. I am no slave to fashion however. Instead of following magazines I find my inspiration in random places and then become obsessed with getting things NOW. I have zero patience. And it is for this reason I am checking my mailbox every two seconds waiting for heart shaped sunglasses to arrive. I purchased them on eBay after stumbling across Marilyn Manson’s music video for “Heart Shaped Glasses”. There is something wrong with me.

XO Delilah

Sunday, July 26, 2009

GFC You Are My Enemy.

On this blah-weather Monday morning I am feeling particularly angry towards the GFC, my current arch-nemesis who is preventing me from becoming one with my true love. New York, New York I long for you...........when can we finally be together? The dream for years now has been to live and work there, I love looking for apartments online and keeping a list of people I would like to work for. This changes from week to week, this morning my apartment would be in Brooklyn, where I would live with my lovely graphic designer boyfriend, who wears cardigans and converse, as well as our cat (somehow I will have to smuggle her from Australia but this will be dealt with when the time comes). On the weekends we browse the markets, sipping coffee (I hate coffee but drink it in spades in the fantasy, its sexier than the necessary red bull I have to skull in the mornings for mental purposes) and chowing on real bagels (not the icky Australian ones). During the week I subway into the city to work as an assistant to Terry Richardson, while shooting photographs for my exhibition on the side. Everyone needs a dream, what are yours? I'm giving myself till next year to make it happen, stay posted and send positive thoughts!

xo Delilah

Share and Share Alike.

This site is amazing, every week I log on to read the new secrets people have sent it as well as owning all the books that have been released around this project. Go on and check it out now. It inspires feelings in me to express myself, the things that I always think but don't say. I want to send in secrets or maybe this blog is doing the same thing. I always think about what my secret would be. Imagine if everyone knew everything? Perhaps I should start.

Love Delilah

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I think my family likes my ex-boyfriend more than me. This is an uncomfortable and weird situation. Upon breaking up (a mutual break-up I might add), I was immediately bombarded with a mix of puzzled expressions and outcries of “WHYYYYYYY?”. As a result any complaint about the lack of men in the world is quickly squashed by the resounding cries that I had a great man, which I let go. As Dolly and I were discussing last night we have both been raised by strong female figures who taught us not to settle for anything less than true love (another issue entirely is whether this actually exists). I can’t help but feel a little betrayed that as the years pass by (gasp shock horror I’m 25 and single) I get the feeling that my family feels that I should be settling. Am I being paranoid? Probably. But I need to put it out there. You can’t force what isn’t there. This is how you end up a bitter woman at 50, drinking at noon and watching ‘stories’ on the TV.

Love Delilah

Sunday, July 19, 2009

People sometimes suck.

I’m having strange feelings, that something weird is happening but I’m not sure what it is. It’s almost the same feeling of having forgotten something, you know that one? I can’t quite put my finger on it. Somebody told me recently that I project my feelings and expectations onto other people and this is why I’m always annoyed with them (yes I get annoyed with people a lot). Of course I immediately objected, GASP I DO NOT! But then...........maybe I do…… that so very wrong? One of the phrases that consistently pours from my mouth during a rant is “I never would have done that”, closely followed by "I would have done this.....". This, my friends, is not to be taken as a judgment, but rather a let down from someone who I thought would act differently in a certain situation. I am what you would call a 'yes' woman, constantly putting myself out for others and never getting the same back from people in return. But then why should I? After thinking this through to myself over the past week or so, I’ve come to the answer that while I do project certain expectations of behavior from people, its nothing less than what I would expect from myself and its maybe not such a bad thing. And so my feelings of weirdness I have now come to understand as a bit of loneliness on the small amount of trust we can have on other people. In these modern times our generation has been taught to do our own thing at any cost. This sort of thinking is applauded, while thinking of other people is often considered weak. I'm thinking that we need to rework this concept a little bit, take the selfishness back and make it a little bit about other people some of the time. JUST SOME OF THE TIME!

Love Delilah

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Song of Right Now.

The District Sleeps Alone by Postal Service

Amazingly honest lyrics that get me every time. Show me another song that allows you to internally cry while breaking some moves to the funky beats. I love it and it loves me.

You seem so out of context in this gaudy apartment complex
A stranger with the door key explaining that I’m visiting
And I am finally seeing, why I was the one worth leaving

The district sleeps alone tonight after the bars turn out their lights
And send the autos swerving into the loneliest evening
And I am finally seeing, why I was the one worth leaving.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Song Love.

Songs lyrics are the poetry of the soul for the 21st century, I’m pretty sure I didn’t just make this up but lets pretend I did. We’ve all driven home in the rain, put on that sad sad song and cried our eyes out at the unfairness of it all (you know you have, and if you haven’t then you have no soul, or no driver’s license). Why is it that certain songs seem to speak solely to us, summing up perfectly how we feel in a freaky psychic way? Upon breaking up with a lover, meeting a new one, losing a job, fighting with a family member, losing a limb in a freak accident or having a friend find new and better friends there is always a song that helps us to voice how we feel when we don’t know how. Having the part-man brain that I do (see previous posting), I find solace in the lovely musical genius of a cherished collection of artists on my pod, as I seem to have a mild issue with openly expressing my emotions to other human beings. As a result I tend to go, shall I say ‘OCD’, on one song for a couple of days, this song will be my mood, my life, and my soul status for this time. When things change I find a new one to fill the void. If I wasn’t afraid of seeming like a total wank-job I would carry around a totally awesome boom-box loaded up with my song of the moment to play for people when they casually asked how I was. Perhaps I should do this, it would be a great ice-breaker at parties.

Love Delilah

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Night.......

I'm not sure I believe in soul mates at all, or that there is one person out there for everyone. My parents both met while they were married to other people, the person you think you're going to end up with is not always the one at all. Depressing, yet uplifting at the same time. I wish you could know for certain whether you were going to meet anyone at all. That would save all the crap you have to sift through on the road, and allow you more quality time in life. I say this as I sit at home on a Friday night with a glass of wine. I want to be out, I want the mens but I'm too tired tonight. I'm really not a village bicycle, far from it indeed although I do talk about the longing for men alot. Get used to it.

Love Delilah

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Manly Thoughts.

I think I should have been born a man. Not in the transgender/transsexual way (insert “not that there’s anything wrong with that” here). Rather in the sense that the normal girl brain functions I witness on a daily basis, I seem at a loss to explain. Watching the somewhat amusing “He’s Just Not That Into You”, made me want to jump ship. I had an overwhelming desire to hurl foul words of abuse at the pathetic portrayal of the womankind on the screen. Noooooo that’s merely an exaggeration used for entertainment purposes you say! Is it? Is it really? I think that someone needs to put on their flannels, cosy up to a mirror and wake up to themselves!

I was not born with the gene that sends women into that psychotic trance of overanalyzing what he’s thinking. I guarantee you he’s not thinking anything at all. If he wants to talk to you he’ll call you. If he doesn’t then he's either a) busy doing something else (this does not mean he doesn't like you, it means he has a life) or b) he really doesn’t like you that much. This does not make you a bad person. It’s not that hard ladies! And yet why do we feel the need to pretend our lives are one long episode of Law and Order: SVU in which each minuscule piece of evidence should be labouredly studied using latex gloves and a UV light. Now don’t get me wrong, I have cried over a man, yes indeed. But I thoughtfully and selflessly kept roughly 80% of my heartbreak to myself. Do you think men are sitting around crying to each other about what went wrong? NO! This is why sitcoms are not based around a group of hip and trendy New York men. I long for the simplicity of the male friendship, its lack of drama. I admit I can tolerate a polite amount of discussion over a broken heart (an hour max.) then my mind wanders to the more important issues; what am I going to wear for work tomorrow? Do I need to get up early to wash my hair, or can I dry shampoo it for another day? Will it make me fat to have pizza for the third consecutive night in a row (probably yes)? Cue me making fake static sounds (hissss its cutting ou – hissssss raaaaaaa, can’t hear yo-hiiisssssssss) in an attempt to get the hell off the phone. I love you, I swear I do, but here is the number of a therapist. As a society we have been wrongly led to believe that bearing our soul to a therapist rather than a friend is self-involved and unnecessary. Its not. Think of it as a gesture to show your friends how much you really care about them. I promise you they are not as interested in your ramblings as they appear to be. Now go, dial that number, you’ll be a better friend for it.

Love Delilah

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's Wednesday night............

How early is too early to go to bed? 8.30pm vs Law and Order:SVU? Oh the tough decisions we have to make as grown ups. Earlier this evening we problem solved a common issue.........there is too much chicken and brown rice to throw away, and too little to save. Eat it, and then feel sick. Problem solved.

Love Dolly and Delilah

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pretty flowers for a Monday.

Winter Blues

I’m feeling restless restless restless and I don’t know what to do. Usually I am the nigel on the couch reveling in my favourite pastime, which consists of seeing how long I can stay inside without having to venture out for provisions. And of course being winter the rest of the world also seems to have taken on this challenge. But for some reason this is different, I want to hit the town and hit it hard. No I don’t want to go to the movies, have dinner at your house or watch videos. I want to be out where the people are, or are they all inside with their significant others. What’s that? Am I single? Why yes I am! Am I bitter? A little bit. And as much as I’d like to say I’m content and proud within my single status I’m not. I want men and I want them now. Or maybe it’s just the need to connect with someone, to have touch and warmth and a secret language. Vomit, I know, I’m sorry. Damn you David Gray. Damn you to hell.

Love Delilah